Monday, 5 November 2012

Humble beginnings

So I'm an actor just finishing my second year of training at Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School, and I'm about to embark on some pretty exciting travels.

As part of the internships or secondments that I'm required to do I'll be spending time in Auckland, Los Angeles, and Paris over the next few months. And THIS is where I'll write about all of my experiences - from now until the end of March next year. I'll try to keep up to date posting about all the preparation work I do before I go, every single day of study/interning I do while I'm away, and maybe some fun stuff I do on the side too.

So let's start off with THE PLAN:

Auckland, 3-7 December
Going to be in Auckland for a one week workshop of Playground Collective's new work "Big House" in association with Auckland Theatre Company. As I understand it, this is the very start of their devising process so I'll be observing, assisting and hopefully even participating in the early stages of its creation. Don't have too many details yet but watch this space.

Los Angeles, 25 January - 23 February
I'm undertaking an exchange at California State University Fullerton (CSUF) in their acting program (touted by their website as one of the top 15 actor training establishments in the States - wowza). In my four weeks of study there I'm taking classes like: Voice/Movement, Advanced Acting Studio, Advanced Screen Skills, Dialects, Shakespeare in Performance, Voice/Movement for Character Transformation, and about four or five others. There will also be at least one trip to Disneyland.

Paris, 4-22 March
After LA and a week meeting up with family in Lyon, I'm heading up to Paris to meet my buddy Taylor Hall at Ecole Philippe Gaulier where we'll be taking a 3 week Bouffon workshop. Bouffon is a theatre form that basically centers around the art of mockery and grotesque satire, and Philippe Gaulier (who will be teaching me) is considered one of the world's masters of the form. I'm both excited and terrified.

Well there's the rough outline of my work over the summer, I won't have so much to post about over the next wee while (although I'll do my best to post about my preparation work - if I think it will be of any interest), but as of the end of January the posts will be coming thick and fast. Let the roller coaster begin!

Jack :)